Friday, June 6, 2008

A new print is on the way! -SK

Hi!, well, our one and a half. year old saint Sophie is a thief, she has taken many things, shoes, TV remotes, socks, stuffed animals, even a large plastic doll house out the doggy door. The door really isn't that big, we put it in for our Kings and the chin.( the love of my life ). But she manages to get in and out with her prizes. Well the other am we had a large rain and being the theft that she is, she found it beside my chair. By the time we got up and my husband looked out the window, and yelled to me it (the tube and the print) were drenched and shredded into a million pieces. My fault. I know how much dogs love to chew on cardboard. It is hard to find chin stuff. I am so glad you did a drawing of then. I will never be without a chin. The drawing looks so much like him. Keep up the good work. I hope I can order another in the future. Well, that's the sad story on that. Stay on the net so I can find you in the future. Thanks for contacting me. Have a wonderful day. Linda and Kim.

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